Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Carrot kek

our chef is he is kind of VIP- very important penganggur he he..he asked me to take order..anything ..cakes, cookies, frozen food..kononnya lah but spent most the time hanging out with his buddies..malam ni pun tidur rumah kawan dia kat kepong..tomorrow he will bring his friends home..cos the next day we are going to Lata lembik..somewhere in pahang..

so here is the recipe..if u search the internet..type cikgu sue carrot cake u will find the same recipes..this is the update recipes..sesuai dgn anak tekak org tak makan manis..

4 eggs separated, egg white beat till fluffy, egg yolk pun in the rest of these ingredients
1 1/2 cups grated carrot
120g brown sugar
120g fine sugar ( like the castor sugar)
100g chop walnuts
1 1/2 cups corn oil
mixed them all...then put in
250g self rising flour + 1 teaspoon soda + 1/2 tspoon cinnamon powder ( if u use other flour make sure to put 2 teaspoon baking soda)
lastly pour the egg white which already beaten earlier..mixed well then bake..150 celcius..for about 40 min, depending on your oven or the size of the pan..
250g cream cheese+ 120g icing sugar + 125g butter= beat until fluffy and spread on the cake ( after the cake sejuk lah jgn letak panas2 lak)
these are the cakes made by chef last week order 5 lagi 5 pans..kayo mat ni..

tambah gambar lagi ek

1 comment:

  1. ramai gang smkbbsg nak resepi ni harap menjadi kek korang eh..
